What’s so bad about car modifications?
Generally, 'modifications' are any changes that weren't part of the original manufacturer spec, like non-standard alloys or tinted windows.
You need to know whether or not your car has been modified as it can make your insurance more expensive, or even invalidate it. This is for several reasons:
- Modded cars may be attractive to thieves and vandals
- Botched DIY projects may make the car dangerous to drive
- Enhancements to performance could mean more damage in a crash
- Replacing specialist parts could be difficult and expensive
These problems mean that many insurers (including ingenie) don't insure modified cars for young drivers.
But it’s not just about insurance - modifications can cause all sorts of other problems, from driving up your fuel costs to actually breaking the law.
If your car has a modification, our engineer won't be able to fit your black box and a charge may apply.
Why modifications are not as cool as they look
Fuel economy:
Because they're heavy, bigger wheels will affect your fuel economy. You might like the way they look, but you won’t like the extra fuel costs!
A sports exhaust will have the same effect - you'll get that boy racer POP but your car's actual performance will probably be decreased.
Ride and handling:
Bigger wheels can also affect how comfortably your car deals with our awful British roads, and how easy it is for you to control it. Since many are fitted with low profile tyres, they’re more likely to get punctures too.
Noise and emissions:
Sports exhausts don't only affect fuel economy - they may also breach noise and harmful emission levels, resulting in an MOT fail.
Upgraded stereos may give you a banging sound but they’ll also make your car more attractive to thieves, and your car probably won’t have the security to match. They can also cause electrical problems if they haven’t been fitted correctly.
We often get asked why tinted windows affect insurance, and the reason that most insurers (including ingenie) won't cover cars with this modification is that they can break the law as well as potentially being unsafe.
Tinted windows can significantly restrict your vision while driving, so by law they must let in at least 70% of light. However, with DIY tint sets and unfussy installers making unsafe tinting possible, many insurers steer clear of them altogether.

How to tell if a car has modifications
It’s not always easy to tell whether a previous owner has made changes to your car but here are a few tips:
- The obvious way to find out about mods is to ask the person you bought it from - not always easy!
- The most common modifications to look out for are:
- Bigger wheels
- Adjusted suspension
- Alloy wheels
- Spoilers
- Tinted windows
- Sports exhausts
- Upgraded stereos
- If you’re shopping around for your first car, you’re probably looking for something on the small side. Small cars aren’t generally manufactured with large wheels or sports exhausts so any modifications may stick out.
- If you’re still not sure, Google the exact spec and year of the car - does your car look different?
- Failing that, check the manufacturer’s website or even drop in to a dealership and ask for help.
Does painting the wheels in black is considered as a “modification” for the insurer?
Hi Peter. Yes, painted wheels are classed as a modification by ingenie. Not all insurers have the same policies though, so it’s always best to check.
Quick question does tinting the rear windows class as a modification? even if they let in more than 70% light?
Hi Mike. Yes, that’s classed as a modification, unless they’re factory tinted by the manufacturer before you buy the car. Hope that helps!
Hi would it be ok to get my rear windows tinted by 20% it’s light smoke colour a lot of fiestas have this standard on my model
Hi Liam. Unless it’s by the manufacturer (i.e. you’re buying it new and choosing the window tinting option) we would class that as a modification, which isn’t covered on our policies. If you need some more help with this, call our customer support team on 0330 303 0014. Hope that helps!
Hi, i was just wondering on the restrictions in regards to changing my stereo as i would like one that has an aux cord in as my current one does not
Hi Aaron.
It will depend on what stereo you’re wanting to install in your car. Give us a ring on 0330 303 0014 for more help. You can call any time until 8pm today or 9am-4pm tomorrow. Thanks!
Hi, I was just wondering if changing the gear knob on my car would count as a modification, and if I would still be covered?
Hi Lauren. It is classed as a modification but it depends on a few factors like cost, so give us a ring to see if it’s OK. You can call 0330 303 0014 for help until 8pm today. Thanks, Honor
Hi my bumpers have been color coded is this classed as modified
Hi Shaun.
We don’t insure cars that have been modified in any way, and that includes non-standard paintwork or any changes to the manufacturer’s specs. To get more help with this, call 0330 303 0014 and one of our guys will go through it in more detail. You can call Monday – Friday from 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm.
hey, my car came with a upgraded stereo with an AUX, at the time of doing my insurance, i didnt see “sound system” on moneysupermarket as a modification… so i left it blank. now i am arranging to get your black box fitted, and it says a stereo is an unexceptionable modification… and so i need to know asap if im allowed to keep it in, or what… since it is the only radio/stereo i have in the car… also since it is an 2004 car, it had a cassette player and buying a second hand car with the original player is ner impossible… also! since its old, the left hand mirrors glue has given way and the mirror fell out, it is still legal since i have 2 working mirrors… am getting it fixed either tomorrow (17) or on the 18th… ALSO i did the insurance on saturday night… and so i could not ring then, nor today as it was a sunday! and i needed insurance asap since i had the money and need car for college open day and what not.
Hi Elliott.
As you’ve got your box fitting booked really soon, I’ve asked our customer service guys to email you about the problem. They’ll be able to let you know if it’s OK or not.
Just wondering if installing OEM Alloy wheels (i.e if I own a Peugeot, they would be Peugeot branded ones) would impact my on my insurance?
Hey Jack.
Anything after factory counts as a modification but if you’d like to talk to someone about this, call our customer service team on 0330 303 0014. They’re available Monday – Friday from 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm. Hope that helps!
Also, would fitting remote central locking bring my insurance down?
Hi Jake. The car is just one of many factors we look at when offering insurance so it’s hard to say what one change could save you. Aftermarket locking kits can cause wiring problems so we may not accept it if it’s not a manufacturer option. Give our guys a call on 0330 303 0014 if you need more help.
My car has no spoiler. But looked on google and they all come with a spoiler fitted normally. Would it be okay to put one one?
Hey James.
Unfortunately that would still count as a modification because it wouldn’t be fitted by the original manufacturer. If you’d like to talk to someone about it in more detail, our customer service team are around until 8pm today. You can call them on 0330 303 0014.
Just cause you don’t cover modifications, don’t make out they’re the Devil’s work.
Hey Luke. We don’t cover modifications because they’re not a great idea for young drivers. We just want to make sure our drivers are aware of the reasons.
Hi, My car has factory fitted alloy wheels (nothing fancy). Am I able to spray the wheels black without it affecting my insurance?
Hi Miles,
I’m afraid that would count as a modification. If you need more help with this, you can call us on 0330 303 0014 until 8pm today.
Thanks, Honor
Does an after-market radio count as a modification?
Hi William,
That would count as a modification but give us a ring on 0330 303 0014 to check. We’re open until 8pm today.
Thanks, Honor
If my car came with factory black rims, will the engineer fit the box in still?
Hi Jamal,
As long as they were straight out of the factory when the car was new, they should be OK. I would ring to check though as the guys in customer services will be able to go into more detail with you: 0330 303 0014.
Do wheel trims class as a modification?
Hi Julia,
That sounds like a modification to me but best to check with our customer service guys as they’ll know more. You can get them on 0330 303 0014 until 8pm today.
Hope that helps,
Really!!! They are plastic they cost £20 a piece from ford and £15
For four from halfords and fall off all the time seems really odd that this would class as a modification!!!
Hi Julia,
Changes that make the car more attractive to thieves can be an issue, which is why I think wheel trims could count as a modification. Customer services will definitely be able to clarify that for you though – just give them a ring on 0330 303 0014.
Does putting a new stereo in cos the old ones broke affect your insurance?
Hi Kriss,
It will depend on the stereo – if you replace the old one with a model that’s more desirable, it can make you more of a target to thieves. Best way to check is to call our customer service guys on 0330 303 0014. They’ll be available to help you until 8pm today.
Thanks, Honor
It’s a Sony one with no touch screen or satnav, they said it should be fine but what happens if it isn’t?
I can’t say for sure if that’s OK or not but if you give us a call, the lovely people in customer service will help you in more detail. Make sure you get all the information you need before you buy the new stereo.
Hi Zain,
Features that come straight out of the factory are not counted as modifications. If you’re worried, give us a call on 0330 303 0014 to check. We’re open until 8pm today.
Such patronising customer service. Black alloy wheels instead of silver and every person who I have spoken to has made me out to be a criminal. Shocking. Will not be renewing when my policy is up in June!
Hey Chloe.
Sorry to hear that – I’m guessing you want to change your alloys? Unfortunately our insurance doesn’t support this because modifying your car from its original spec can make you a bigger target for thieves.
We know it sounds like a simple change, but we agree certain rules with our underwriters (the people who pay out if your car gets stolen) when we’re setting the price of your insurance. One that we agreed to was not to allow modifications, which helps us keep the price of your insurance down.
Let me know if you want any more help with it.
I bought a new car so had to change the policy. It took you 5 weeks to get an engineer out to fit the box, only for him to be turned away basically as soon as he pulled into my drive. It was never specified to me that the alloys had to be silver, only the same brand as the car or steel wheels. When I took out the policy you sent me a list of modifications that would not be allowed. In this list it said aftermarket alloy wheels, but never stated that colour was an issue. However this is not where the real issue lies, it is with your lack of respect within customer service, which you just completely bypassed.
Hi Chloe,
It will most likely be that the alloys were non-standard and fitted after the car left the factory. Unfortunately, anything that’s changed later is a modification.
With regard to your experience with customer service, can you email the details of what happened to connect@ingenie.com? We don’t want you to put your policy number online so if you email us, I’ll make sure it gets to the right people so it’s investigated.
Would re-upholstering the seats and interior panels from cloth to leather actually count as a modification, or not?
Hey Cai,
I’m afraid any changes that you make beyond choosing your specs on a brand new car are classed as a modification. If you want to talk to someone in more detail, you can get our customer service guys on 0330 303 0014 until 8pm today.
My car has no badge on the back and a black boot strip will this affect insurance
Hey Andrew,
The lack of badge wouldn’t be a problem but the black boot strip would be if it’s been done after it’s come out of the factory.
Hope that helps,
Thanks for the advice so would i just need to replace the boot strip but not the badge
I would think so but you’re best off calling our customer service guys on 0330 303 0014 to make sure you know what you need to do. They’re around until 8pm today.
If I change the radio in my car is this a modification? As it’s just a radio
Hey Ben,
I’m afraid that most likely would be counted as a modification, because it ups the desirability of your car – making it more of a target for theft. If you’d like to double-check with customer services, give them a ring tomorrow on 0330 303 0014. Hope that helps!
Would changing the cloth interior to a standard leather interior be classed as a mod?
Hi Nathan,
Any change after factory that makes the car more desirable is usually classed as a mod, I’m afraid.
Hi, seeing all these posts makes me really worried about if I’m driving my car illegally with no insurance here’s a list of the modifications i have: an air freshener, and aux cable for my aux port, a seat cover, a phone holder. I also dented my car a bit when i drove into my bin does that make my car desirable. Please reply quick as I’m very worried.
Hi Luke,
It’s always a good thing to make sure. Just a few questions:
Is your air freshener made of gold? Did you dent your car on a bin belonging to Shakespeare or a patron saint? What about your seat cover – is it fabricated from dollar bills?
If you can give me a bit more information, I’ll try to put your mind at rest.
No but seriously if i paint my rims an undesirable colour, does that make them more desirable.
Well Luke, colour is quite subjective. I myself favour purple but you might hate it. I would stay away from painting your rims at all if you’re trying to get affordable insurance.
would a parrot handsfree be classed as a modification
Hi Harry,
As they seem to be wired in like a stereo, I would think they probably are. If you’d like more information, give customer services a call and they’ll help you. They’re available on 0330 303 0014 until 8pm tonight.
Very odd blog article, many of the points are untrue or simply require the driver to check the legalities of what they are planning to do. Completely understand why an insurance company wouldn’t want to deal with modifications as in some cases it is true that they make a car more appealing (stereos etc are easily pinched) and also modifying the engine will increase HP making it more powerful therefore a higher insurance bracket, however there isn’t a need to scare people off modifications and add to the often untrue image that all modifications are bad and only found on boy racers cars.
Many cars come with big wheels from the factory and often the same model having larger wheels offered as a factory option. You are also saying that putting smaller wheels on would be a modification but would make the car “safer” based on what you have said.
Good quality sports exhausts are an item created to help the cars engine perform better. Now this doesn’t mean it will add 50HP and make it drive like a ferrari but it can help make the engine run better and also tends to save weight on a factory set up. Not all sports exhausts are loud and Boy Racery, good quality systems can be almost as quiet as a factory system and will last much longer as they are made from stainless steel, many offering lifetime guarantees. Sports exhaust systems also don’t affect a cars emissions in themselves so won’t affect your MOT. The catalytic converter is the item which helps reduce emissions so as long as the stock cat is left in place, there is no affect on emissions.
Again with tinted windows, its a matter of checking the legalities. many cars come with factory installed tints now a days. The front windows can’t be tinted (as most are very slightly tinted from factory) where as the rear windows can be. This can be useful for a number of reasons from protecting children from UV rays and also helping to reduce the amount of heat in your car meaning the air con doesn’t need to be used as much (saving you money as air con affects your mpg).
My suggestion would be that new drivers avoid modifications on existing cars as you won’t always know the workmanship is up to scratch (the same is true on any car bought second hand though) and also allow them to learn to drive a “normal” car. No need to scare people off, just make it clear you as an insurer won’t insure modifications, because that is the agreement you have in place.
Hi Josh,
We only class features as modifications if they’re post-factory, so we will insure cars that have some of these things. However, it’s going to cost you more to insure with some extras and they’re not a great idea for new drivers (tinted windows for example, when you’re still getting to grips with being on the road). Even if a driver isn’t insuring with us, modifications on a small budget are a pretty bad move.
General advice: don’t get into fancy extras until you can afford to do it right and your insurance isn’t costing more than your car.
Thanks for commenting 🙂
I’m just wondering I’m geting a black box put in my car but I’m thinking of geting a update stereo and I’m just wondering is it classed as a modification and the engineer won’t fix the black box
Hey Connor. Unfortunately that would be a modification but if you get a black box and save a bunch of money for driving well, that’s an even better stereo in the future.
Hi if my son’s car has reversing sensors would that mean it’s a modification and would the black box still be able to be fitted?
Hi Jo. Were the sensors an option he chose when he got the car? If it’s a new car they wouldn’t be a problem but if they’ve been added post-factory, that would count as a modification I’m afraid.
Im just wondering? When the black box gets look at every 3 months do there comeout or is it done online?
Hey Connor,
Everything’s done online, using the data from your box. We send you feedback through the ingenie app around every 10 days so you know how you’re doing, then 3 times a year, we give you any discount you’ve earned for your good driving. You can track everything through the app so you always know what’s going on.
Hope that helps!
Are wheel trims classes as a modification?
Hi Adam,
Yep, wheel trims are a modification I’m afraid.
The argument of making the car more attractive to thieves is completely illogical IMO. Modifications should only include things that actually have an impact on the cars overall performance, for example fitting an aftermarket turbo, I wouldn’t accept a ‘sticker’ on the back of a car to be classed as a modification in anyway shape or form as it does nothing to the cars performance. Insurance companies are a joke full stop. They pick and chose whatever they want to be classed as a modification because they know 9/10 people will have some form of sticker on their car for example and they will use this poor excuse for them not to pay out, outrageous .
Hi Danny,
We have to go by the rules we agreed with our underwriters (the people who actually pay out the money!) and this is one way we can give people cheaper insurance because statistically, cars with modifications are more likely to be stolen, keyed or involved in crashes. By not insuring them, we have fewer crashes and insurance stays lower-cost.
Was it some nice flames you were wanting or an ‘I love Mum’ sticker? It’s really the go-faster stripes and other idiot badges that are the worry.
Haha hilarious aren’t you, ‘I love you mum sticker’ instead of working for ingenie how about you try stand up comedy? I was using stickers as an example so in reality you’re laughing at your own rules. And I fail to understand how it would be a ‘worry’ if a 50p sticker is classed as a modification to you, you should allow it aslong as they pay 50pence more for their insurance along with any other thing you consider to be a modification, for another example – a stereo. And also you have fewer crashes for not insuring those with a single sticker one their car? I highly doubt that in afraid.
I would love to try stand up Danny, glad you like my routine.
Stickers come under mods simply because claim stats tell us the kind of people who have big flame decals are more likely to have crashes. To keep insurance a good price, we have to agree these kinds of compromises with our underwriters. A few years ago, insurance was costing under-20s up to £4,000. It’s quite a lot less than half that now in our community.
Have a super weekend,
Hi Danny,
Hope you had a great weekend.
Insurance has traditionally worked like this: the kind of car you choose, your age, where you live, the mileage you expect to do etc. are checked against all the claims people have had in the past to see how likely it is that you will claim. This is how your price is set, and before black box insurance, insurers had to stick to this – it was the only way.
Now, we’re able to see how an individual drives, so we can give a person discounts for driving well. That makes it way fairer and cheaper. We still have to make compromises though, in order to make the underwriters (the people who pay out if you crash) happy to take on the bigger statistical risk a younger driver represents. Modifications are one of them – because we know that someone who has modifications is more likely to crash or have their car stolen.
You can find out more about how insurance is worked out here: https://www.ingenie.com/young-drivers-guide/how-is-car-insurance-worked-out
Hi Toby,
Getting your air filter changed is general maintenance so that should be fine. I would be very surprised if it caused an insurance issue if it’s just a straight swap.
Thank you and if I wanted to get a non standered would it make it go up in price, If it wasn’t a performance one ?
Hi Toby – sorry didn’t get a notification for this!
It shouldn’t be a problem but it’s always worth ringing up your insurer to let them know.
My car has a different colour badge and break pedals does this class as a modification?
Hi Toby,
I think both would count as modifications but if you want to send us a picture to make sure, email us at connect@ingenie.com.
Hi Andrew,
If you can remove the sticker that will be OK but with it on, yup, that’s a modification.
Hi, i have a mk3 Clio and if i was to change my radio from Renault standard to a Bluetooth JVC radio would that be classed as a modification. Thanks
Hi Callum,
That would class as a modification because you’d be upgrading to a fancier stereo.
Even though its a removable faceoff stereo and i always remove the face after i leave the car and take it with me ? By the way its only the stereo (not speaker or subwoofer )
The best thing to do is call our customer service team on 0330 303 0014 so they can answer for sure.
My car has factory fitted privacy glass in the rear windows, is that classed as a modification? Thanks
Hi Julee,
As long as it’s straight from the manufacturer it should be fine.
I have a Ford fiesta Zetec with Ford fiesta alloy wheels which were a option at when purchased new from the dealer, is this a modification?
Hi Gobby (great name),
If the wheels were a manufacturer spec option, these shouldn’t be a problem.
Hi, had my Ford Fiesta Zetec for a few weeks now and been thinking about making a few changes..
Just have a few questions about what would class as modifications.
– my silver alloys are pretty shot at and I was going to paint them black, was told by my box fitter that he wouldn’t bother as it may class as a mod. But, what if I had them refurbished to the exact same colour (still the factory standard alloys and same colour, minus the scuffs and tough grime.
– mud guards, really annoying after I wash my car and a day or so later all the wheel arch panel is filthy. Wouldnt even be “sporty” ones just basic ones to keep my car clean for more than an hour or so.
– brake calipers, they are standard matt black but really old and a bit rusty, I was thinking about cleaning them up and re-painting them the exact same colour again
– a few other little changes I’m wanting to make which would consist of removing old parts and putting new parts (exact same part and spec, just newer) i.e. Old plastic black trim that has a few scuffs and faded gray over years to a new shiney black one?
I would just like to know if these points above would class as modifications?
Better making sure before I start doing them all.
Hi Kieran,
Replacing things with the same part is absolutely fine, as is cleaning things up. Your box fitter was right about the black alloys but new versions of the the same are fine. The mud guards will be fine as long as they’re not ‘sporty’ as you say!
Hope that helps,
Kieran, you’re doing exactly the right thing! The last bits are a bit beyond me but I’ll ask my colleague and get back to you tomorrow, OK?
Okay. Let me know as soon as, thanks for all your help.
Hi Kieran,
If they’re from the manufacturer this won’t be a problem. The things most insurers view as desirable are more like nice stereos, vinyl stickers, fancy alloys – things that make the car stand out and would make someone take another look. A masked robber probably isn’t going to be looking for car mats and seat covers – so you’re probably alright there. 😉
Good luck with the makeover!
Right I’m sorted then, think il leave the big mods till I’ve been driving a few years and can afford the insurance for a modded car.
Thanks for all your help
Music to my ears! It’s just not worth it until you have a few years’ No Claims under your belt.
Good luck and props for checking everything first.
ive got a enquire, my manifold had a blow in it so i decided to get a new one which is better because its stainless steel and wont rust as quickly as cast iron manifolds, would this be ok for when the box fitter came
Hi Sam,
If it was the same part that would be fine but as it’s a different one, I would get in touch with our customer service guys on 0330 303 0014 to check with them.
thank you
So I know cars with modifications are more likely to be crashed or stolen because they’ve been made faster or stand out, but what about if the modification was one to improve fuel economy? What about if an engine was remapped to improve its efficiency? It wouldn’t make the car faster and the modification is invisible?
Hi Sam,
I’m just asking someone clever than me about your question – I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Thanks, It is a bit technical 🙂
Hi Sam,
The general response from our underwriters (the people who pay out if you crash) is that this is fine as long as it’s a manufacturer option: a choice on your spec sheet that will be factory fitted. This is because you can rely on that being safely and professionally done.
Hope that helps!
What about if the remapping is done by a reputable company who offer £2 million comprehensive Insurance backed work, zero impact on manufacturer warranty, and custom written software for the vehicle? They also claim to have not had any issues with vehicles going wrong and are rated the best company in the UK for Vehicle Remapping? (Sorry for the persistence)
Don’t worry, I understand! I think it would be best if you give our customer service guys a ring on 0330 303 0014. They’re open until 8pm today and they’ll be able to look at this in detail with you.
Okay, Thanks 🙂
does replacing my 2005 Renault Clio MK3 with brembo brakes count as a modification
Hey Paul. I’m afraid that would be a modification.
Am I able to change the colour of my standard corsa alloys for silver to black?
Hey Toby,
I’m afraid changing your alloys would be classed as a modification.
That’s a modification I’m afraid Toby. If you’re a new driver, I’d skip the mods until you’ve got a couple of years’ No Claims Discount and your insurance has come down.
I have an aftermarket stereo in my car, how will this effect my policy?
Hey Reuben,
If you have a modification (this stereo probably counts but check with your insurer) you should let your insurer know. It could affect your policy by increasing your premium because the stereo may add value to your car or be an incentive to break into your car.
If you don’t tell your insurer you have it, the cost of the stereo wouldn’t be covered by your insurance and you could actually get your claim refused because you didn’t declare every fact when you took out insurance.
Hi Sam,
If it’s one you can remove just like a satnav you should be fine – just lock it away in your glove box if you can when you’re not using it. We don’t cover dash cams though, so if it was stolen or damaged, you couldn’t be able to claim for it.
aftermarket head light and tail lights. would this affect my policy?
Hi there,
If they’re different from the standard lights that the car came with (like a different colour), that would be a modification.
HI my VW Bora is full factory spec mechanically but it has an aftermarket stereo with a sub woofer in the boot (this can be easily disconnected if needed), how would this affect my policy?
Hi Daniel,
That would need to come out for you to have your box fitted. You could just put back a regular stereo and that would be fine.
I dont have the original, could i remove the stereo altogether or does that count as a modification as well?
Oh no, that’s fine. I just meant you could replace it with another, less flash stereo if you wanted to.
Oh ok, it still looks fairly standard so ill just leave it in then.
Thanks for your help.
If you think it’s OK, I would make sure by sending a picture to connect@ingenie.com. They’ll be able to tell you for sure if it’s alright to leave in.
Hi, i have alloys already that are original with the car, im thinking of having them sprayed black would this affect my insurance?
Hi Maddison,
Spraying the alloys would count as a modification I’m afraid.
Can you have a tow bar fitted to your car
Hi there,
As long as you’re using the car to tow one trailer, trailer-caravan or broken-down vehicle and you’re not charging for it!
Ok thanks
ive just bought and insured a car and ive got the black box fitter coming on friday.. what will happen if there are mods? my step dad has sorted my insurance claiming there are no mods but i think there is. Can i not just claim them on my insurance? i dont want to loose out on money ive had to work hard for and spent on insurance..
Hi Pat,
ingenie policies don’t cover any modifications I’m afraid. It’s an agreement we made with our underwriters (the people who pay out if you crash) so we can offer lower premiums. If you car does have them and you’ve declared that it hasn’t, your insurance could be invalid – which essentially means you’d be driving without insurance.
If the box fitter thinks the car has modifications, he won’t fit your box. You still have a bit of time, so if you think there are mods, you could replace them with a standard option. What is it that you think might be a problem?
I’ve bought a fiesta 2004 flame. It has 17″ custom alloys already added. The black box engineer came today and said that the insurance wouldn’t allow it and i’ve got 7 days to make it standard.
What size alloy wheels and makes can i use that the insurance will allow? There are so many different types and makes etc. These mods were done before i had the car so I’m not sure what the rules are.
Many Thanks,
Hi Chris, can you please send this information to connect@ingenie.com with your policy number or name, address and postcode? We’d like to get your car’s full details from our system so we can advise you properly but don’t want you giving out personal details here.
I have emailed them 3 times, However no reply. I’m trying to sort this as quick as possible. I don’t have long plus I work full time.
Let me check your email’s come through Chris and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Hi Chris,
Your emails will be picked up and dealt with through the connect@ingenie.com address.
Hi There,
I am thinking of buying a fiesta for my son and want to make sure it has no mods on before we insure this, the calipers and drums have been cleaned up and sprayed back to original black, so therefore no fancy colour or anything, would this be ok?
Hi Ali,
Great to hear you’re thinking ahead! Black calipers and drums don’t sound standard though, so you might want to give us a ring on 0330 303 0014 to go through what would be acceptable.
Thanks for your reply, these have only been tidied up, ie removed the rust and made them look clean? not standing out or anything, I think they have been done purely for maintenance to give them a longer life.
Usually black wheels would be a red flag for me Ali – could you return them to the original colour? If you’d like more details on what’s OK, give us a call on 0330 303 0014.
Hi thanks again but they are not the wheels that I am asking about ? It is the brake calipers so would this be ok ?
I’m afraid that wouldn’t be an acceptable modification Ali.
Hi, Ive just bought a fiat punto Grande Active, Its the addition with the added white stripe stickers to the side of the car. These came out of the factory like this which the dealer informed me when i purchased. Will this be okay as I’m having my black box fitted in a few days.
Hi Ellie – think I just replied to you on Twitter! For everyone else’s sake – this is fine because it’s straight out of the factory. Changes after are the problem.
Hey Chris,
I’d ask around if I were you. Respraying can be super expensive! Depending on what the problem is, it can be more affordable to just do the parts worst affected. When I scraped my car on a post, I just had the bumper done so it cost £200 rather than thousands.
If you can’t get a recommendation, ring around local garages to ask if they can do it and get a quote.
Hi! I have a mini one (black midnight I think the colour is called), however I would like to change the wing mirror casing to a reflective silver. Would this be classed as a modification and will this affect my policy? Thanks
Hi Maisie,
Sorry – missed your comment! I’m afraid that would count as a modification.
I have a Peugeot 107 that has silver alloy wheels with the Peugeot logo on I’m not sure if these were a factory option or not.
Would the black box installer be able to tell me or would I need to get proof etc that they are a factory part .
What would happen if I couldn’t get proof ?
Hi Steve,
It would be best to find out before the fitting because the engineer wouldn’t fit the box and there’s a charge if you have to have a second appointment. Once you know either way, you can either ask Peugeot for proof they’re standard or you can replace them.
If you send a picture of the alloys to connect@ingenie.com we can get someone to take a look for you. Just say they’re for Honor and what the year of your car is.
Hi thanks for the reply
I emailed Peugeot and they replied –
“Thanks for your email about the alloy wheels on your 107.
Due to our records only going back so far, we wouldn’t be able to specifically confirm if the alloys on your vehicle were factory fitted. What I can confirm is that originally your vehicle was factory built with 14 inch karkola wheels.
I hope this helps.”
So a quick look shows they are the same as the wheels on this car so can I safely say it’s had no modifications and use this email to confirm it
Thank you
Hi Steve, that’s great. Can you please email connect@ingenie with a picture and those details so we can check that’s OK? We’ll need your full name, date of birth and postcode in the email too.
My daughter was due to have the box fitted to her car today. Engineer refused due to the roof & door mirrors being resprayed a different colour. Is this really classed as a modification??
Hi Lisa,
I’m afraid nearly any change from factory standard is classed as a modification. This is an agreement we have with our underwriters so they’ll give us good rates for young drivers. If you need more information and advice (like rebooking or cancellation), please call us on 0330 303 0014.
Hi, i just bought a car and realised the no mod policy. I have a vauxhall Astra Active and it has some side skirts which im not sure if they come with the car originally. If it is a mod would they decline my insurance or just increase the price?
Hey Abu, the engineer that comes out will probably say he can’t fit your box. You would need to get the car back to its original state.
Are two stickers on the back of my car a modification?
Hi George – technically, yes and it would be a good idea to get them off if you’ve got a box fitting booked because the engineer could refuse to fit the box. I know it’s a pain but it’s an agreement we have with our underwriters (the people who pay out if you crash) so they give our drivers good prices.
i have a subwoofer in my car boot. is that anything to do with the insurance as its my belonging?
Hi Connor – that would count as a modification I’m afraid and would need to be taken out the car boot. Keeping it in the car could void your insurance.
is it only void with this company then? it may not be void if i was to ask another company
Other companies may treat mods differently, but you do have to declare it and it may make your insurance more expensive. It’s an agreement we have with our underwriters (the people who actually pay out if you crash) so they’ll give younger drivers better prices.
okay thanks
Hi Cenk. Could you send a picture to connect@ingenie.com? We’ll take a look and get back to you. Thanks!
If I bought a car with alloys wheels that weren’t original to the car but replaced them with the standard wheels for that model would that be okay or is it still classed as modification? Thanks
Hi Rhea – as long as they’re standard for that model, you’ve done the right thing! If you’re worried, email us a picture at connect@ingenie.com.
My car didn’t come with a cd player just cassette. Can I put a CD player in there?
Hi there – if you send a picture to connect@ingenie.com we’ll be able to give you the OK.
Hi David,
If they’re the standard wheels a Yaris is supposed to come with, that will be fine. If you’re worried, send a picture to connect@ingenie.com to check.
Hi my son has a nissan micra. He want to change its plastic wheel hubs as they are all scratched. He wants to put new plastic ones on. Would that class as a modification?
Hi Hannah,
They’d need to be the right kind for the model, so I’d send a picture to connect@ingenie.com so they can check for you. If they’re a straight swap (or replacing with factory-standard) it should be fine.
The man I spoke to at smart wheels said it would be fine as it doesn’t effect the cars performance and he said modifications that change performance ie, engine,alloys,tinted windows are the sort of things they mean when they say modifications.
Ah OK. That’s the same for us but obviously every insurer will have slightly different rules. There’s also the desirability factor, e.g. adding a fancy stereo or alloys that may affect your insurance.
Hi, I’ve brought a car with a cd player already fitted, could I still be allowed to have my black box fitted.
Hi Jamie, if you send a picture to connect@ingenie.com they’ll be able to check for you.
hi just a quick question would extra interior lights count as a modification as the pre installed ones are not very good? they would only be small stuck on ones thanks.
Hi Reece,
If you email connect@ingenie.com, they’ll be able to tell you for sure.
Hi Jack, as long as the CD player hasn’t been replaced with one that’s not part of the original specification – this will be fine.
You can always email us a picture to connect@ingenie.com if you’re not sure.
Hi Ashley,
Ideally, you’d need to replace the headlights with ones specific to the manufacturers specification, but the best thing to do here is email us an image of the Projector headlights to connect@ingenie.com. We can then confirm if they’ll be allowed.
The dash cam is a great idea and it won’t have any affect on your insurance.
Okay, I see the sense in this. But, it also confuses me.
I understand that stickers are a ‘cosmetic mod’ but does have a small sticker stating that you’re a fan of this company, or that really invalidate your insurance? And on that note, if adding ‘any’ sticker risks invaliding your insurance that doesn’t that include the Ingenie’s window sticker? Because wasn’t stock on the car…
I’m really struggling to understand how a ‘Burton Snowboard’s’ (for example) sticker, or the colour of the brake callipers, or the colour of the alloy should effect the insurance at all let along invalid it? They’re not performance mods, they’re not in anyway shape or form making the car faster, sharper, or enhancing it. They’re just the owner trying to express themselves through their “pride ‘n’ joy”
(FYI, I’m not insured through Ingenie, I was insured through you for two years.)
Hey Adam,
The sticker we have says ‘Black box on board’, to help our drivers feel a bit more confident about sticking to their guns if someone tailgates them. We designed it with our underwriters (the people who pay out if you have to claim) so they accept that particular sticker. It’s also not an actual sticky sticker; it’s a transparent static cling so it can be removed really easily.
Part of the reason for not allowing modifications is that claims data shows cars with modifications are involved in claims more often – they crash more. We just advise that young drivers leave the mods for later, after they’ve built up their No Claims Discount and are looking at lower insurance costs.
Hope that helps!
regarding the answer you have just given concerning the stickers I had a sticker on my car that was the same type as the sticker your installation team hand out a transparent static cling but I got told to remove them before my black box could be installed therefore getting charged with a £45 re booking charge for the installation of the black box, so why can u give us a ‘transparent static cling’ to put on the car but we can not put our own transparent static cling onto the car without it been classed as a modification ?
Hi Ian,
Small, removable window stickers usually wouldn’t need rebooking because they can just be peeled off – were there any larger transfers on the car’s exterior?
You can email connect@ingenie.com if you need any help with your booking.
I have already been thru this black box is now fitter to car was fitted last September I am enquiring about the transparent static clings such as the ones your team hand out upon installation am I aloud to put my own transparent static cling on ?
Oh I see, sorry Ian. Yes, transparent static cling window stickers should be fine.
Hello, so if you have caps on your car and you want alloys and they are the same make as the car can it be changed ?
Hi Ryan,
Anything that’s factory standard is OK but it sounds like you want something our insurance doesn’t cover I’m afraid.
But the other Vauxhall Astra alloys are standard from the factory?
If I were you, I’d send the ones you want to connect@ingenie.com and see what they say. They’ll be able to check for you.
Another question, if the stereo is not working, is it acceptable to replace with something similar, not factory specification?
Hi James,
That’s usually fine as long as it’s nothing that looks too flashy or has big sub woofers. If you want to check with us first, you can email the one you’re after to connect@ingenie.com. Just checking on your other question, I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Hi James – sorry that took a while.
If the sensors are a standard feature of the car you have (i.e. it came out of the factory with them), that’s fine. If they’re an addition to the car, you’ll need to email connect@ingenie.com ASAP with your date of birth, postcode and car reg, as well as any details you have about the sensors (a receipt from a previous owner or any branding you can see on the system), so we can look into it for you.
Thanks for checking with us,
Hi Jennie,
It’s difficult to say without knowing what the car comes with as standard. Can you email a picture and your car’s details to connect@ingenie.com?
Im am with your insurance but i have a new backbox on my car ?
Hi Micky, what is it you need to know?
I just bought a car and the ingenie engineer is due to fit the box in a couple of days. The car didn’t come with a stereo at all. Is that going to be an issue?
Hey Marius,
Send a picture of the stereo through to connect@ingenie.com with your name, date of birth and car reg and we’ll take a look.
Thanks for checking!
There is no stereo at all at the moment. I’ve ordered a standard factory spec one, but it is due to arrive after the engineer will fit the box
Oh I see! That should be fine and as long as the stereo is the original spec, you’re good to go.
Thanks Marius.
Also, if the engineer decides not to install the box for whatever reason, and charges me £45, does the insurance get cancelled?
No, it’s a charge to cover another fitting apointment. Your insurance wouldn’t be affected at that point.
Okay that helps a lot! Thank you for your help!
Hi Courtney – send a picture or the details through to connect@ingenie.com and we’ll check for you.
Hi my car has tap on the back wind
screen wiper is that ok when the box gets fitted
Hi Becky,
As long as the windscreen wipers are the same as the manufacturer’s specification this will be fine. If you’re unsure please email us at connect@ingenie.com with a photo of them and we’ll get that checked for you.
Ok they are thankyou very much, I will be getting it fixed soon and it will be standard factory ones when I fix them
No problem, thanks for checking with us!
Hi Dennis,
At ingenie we don’t allow any modifications to the car. In some cases, we may allow changes to the car if they were an optional extra from the manufacturer, but it’s always best to check this with your insurer as not declaring modifications could result in a cancellation.
Hi, can you paint alloys?
Hi Marie, that would be a modification I’m afraid.
I want to buy a ford fiesta style 1.25L but it has already been fitted with the factory standard Ford fiesta ST interior and exterior would that be okay?
Hi there, if the styling came out of the factory like that, you’re good to go. If you’re not sure (maybe you think a past owner might have modified the car) it’s best to check with the manufacturer. If you need any more help, email us at connect@ingenie.com with some pictures.
Thanks for checking!
Can i replace trims in the car such as the plastic on the dashboard?
Hi Gav, that would count as a modification I’m afraid.
Hi Hashim,
If it was an optional extra, you’ll need to email us proof before you get your box fitted. You can contact the manufacturer if you don’t have any handy.
What will count as proof as I have no idea on how I could prove this as I bought this car second hand but the previous owner told me that the tinted windows were an optional extra done at the vauxhall factory, also my box fitting is on Thursday so I am kinda tight on time to prove this.
Thank you
Hi Hashim,
You just need to email the manufacturer asking if the windows are a standard extra. We’d then need confirmation from them – a letter on headed paper or a manufacturer email is fine. It is a condition of our insurance so it’s really important we have this. You can email connect@ingenie.com if you need any help with your box fitting appointment.
I just went through the specification of my car, and it states that the rear tinted windows are standard for my car, will I be able to show this to the box fitter on Thursday to confirm this?
OK, that should be fine if they’re standard. Definitely show the fitter when he arrives and he’ll contact us if he has any concerns.
Thanks for checking in with us,
does having a Union Jack on a mini count as a mod even though you can get it factory standard with one?
Hey Ellie – do you mean on the roof or the little flag? If it comes out the factory as standard, you’re fine.
Hi Jack,
Sorry we didn’t get back to you right away. This would count as a modification I’m afraid.
Hi Liam,
That’s fine, no worries.
as far as alloy wheels..what exactly is classed as “modifications” ? i own a 2003 accord and it has honda civic alloys on it…is that still a modification even thought there oem and the same sizes ?
Hi Cameron, if the alloys aren’t standard to your make of car that could be a problem. If you’re unsure, just send us a picture to connect@ingenie.com and we’ll take a look.
Hi Charlie,
Email us at connect@ingenie.com with your situation and we’ll talk to the box fitters. The engineer who fits your box will check the car for a few safety things so it might just be a case of giving him a heads up but we need to make sure.
Hey Joe – if they didn’t come with the car, yes.
I am looking at a car and its had an after market cd/tv/dvd/satnav player fitted on the dashboard, would this count as a modification and not allow me to have insurance?
Hey Mitchell. If you send a picture of it over to connect@ingenie.com we can check it out to see if it’s OK.
My car has a very small (8cm by 12cm) GB flag sticker below the boot of the car. It could be peeled off if necessary, is this classed as a modification? Also, what are the rules about sticking the GB letters sticker to your car when tavelling to the EU?
Hi Jack,
I’d get it off before the fitter comes just so you’re sure it’s peelable! You’re fine to stick a GB sticker on the car if you’re travelling.
Can you email us a picture Joseph? Connect@ingenie.com.
Can you email us a picture Jake? Connect@ingenie.com.
Hi Ash,
I’m afraid changing the size and kind of wheels is a modification.
Hey Sandie,
The windows shouldn’t be an issue but as we don’t allow modifications I’d suggest checking that the car hasn’t had any other changes to it’s interior/exterior.
If you have any concerns you can send us an email to connect@ingenie.com.
I have a Nissan Micra and I bought it without the stereo included, it’s been taken out, I didn’t realise about stereo mods not being accepted but essentially it has been gutted out, would that be a problem. I was just insured yesterday by you and I’m worried the policy will become valid once the black box engineer arrives and says they won’t accept my car
Hi Emma,
Don’t worry! If it’s just that you’re missing a stereo, it’s not a problem. If you do eventually replace it, send us a picture of the stereo you want to connect@ingenie.com and we’ll check if it’s OK.
Hello, I recently bought a Ford Focus titanium. The rear and side back windows are slightly tinted and it has Ford alloys which are part of manufacturer design not external modifications. Can I still get a black box?
Hey Francisca,
If it came out of the factory like that, you’re fine. As long as these were optional extras at the time of manufacture and haven’t been added after, you can have a box.
Thanks for checking,
My Audi A3 Saloon comes from standard with the rear privacy pack (Tinted rear windows) from factory, is this classed as a modifications as it came from factory?
Also would I need to prove this to the installer that it was specced from factory like this?
Hey Daniel,
If it’s all fresh out the factory, that’s OK. I would email Audi and get them to send you the spec as a headed PDF. It’s pretty likely the fitter would know if they were a factory option but you want to make sure.
is window tint in the rear only allowed as there is not legal limit and no chance of being prosecuted ?
Hi there – for ingenie insurance, the tint just needs to be out of the factory as an optional extra. The manufacturer would only be supplying tints that fit the legal requirements.
Hi my sons car he’s had it over a year and the back windows are tinted but it was bought like how can I find out if it’s been modified or if it was originally like that ive googled pictures of the same car new and the windows are tinted its a golf blue motion tdi
Hi Maxine,
Is he hoping to insure with ingenie? The tint is fine as long as you have a letter on headed paper (they can just attach it to an email) from the manufacturer that confirms it was an optional extra on the original car spec.
Hey Eoghan,
I’m afraid that would be a mod, as it’s making a cosmetic change after the factory spec. Thanks for making sure.
Hey Teri – modifications are any after-market changes so probably best not to because at your box fitting, the engineer will be looking for mods. If you’re reeeeally set on having them, email us at connect@ingenie.com to check.
Hi, I have recently bought a Ford Ka Style 3dr but it already has alloy wheels fitted. I don’t know how to check if these are factory fitted or not. Would this affect my black box fitting?
Hey Niamh,
Email Ford and ask them to confirm whether your wheels (send a photo) are part of the original spec. We’ll need to see that from them before or at your box fitting. Unfortunately, the engineer can’t fit your box if they think there have been mods so best to get it sorted out before.
If you need any extra help with your box fitting and what you need to do, just email us at connect@ingenie.com.
Hi Robert,
I’m afraid that would be a modification and you’d need to take it off before getting your box fitted.
Thanks for checking,
Hello, just bought insurance with you guys
The original factory alloys on my Toyota Yaris needed restoration, and they came back to me in black. Does this count as a modification? They are factory alloys, and were professionally restored and powder coated. Also, regarding window stickers, is it okay to have a small text sticker of a website at the very top of the glass, away from the actual window part (in the black area that you can’t see out of)? If not I can remove easily enough.
Hi Blaze,
That does count as a mod but can you please email us at connect@ingenie.com and we’ll talk to you about it properly?
How can restored factory wheels be an unacceptable modification? Using your own criteria, they are safer (they have been thoroughly inspected and there is less chance of slow air leaks from the bead) they do not affect performance or cost more money to replace in the event of an accident. You could argue that they are more attractive to thieves, but any car in good condition is more attractive to thieves. I understand that you need to draw a firm line as I am sure that you do not want to encourage super-fandango low profile cheapo alloys but this seems to punishing somebody who has maintained his factory alloys properly. You might as well argue that changing the old, worn tyres for new ones of a different brand was an unacceptable modification.
Hi Jason – you’re right in saying we have to draw a firm line. The no modifications rule is something we agreed with our underwriters (the people who pay out if you have a crash) so they would give young drivers good insurance prices.
If you want to send us any pictures to look at, though, you can email us at connect@ingenie.com.
Sorry it’s a pain but for young drivers, anything that makes insurance cheaper is probably a good thing.
Hey Gary – if they’re an extra on the original spec, that’s fine.
Hi, would a genuine spoiler, splitter and diffuser be classed as a modification? I am considering buying an a200d from Mercedes which has a splitter diffuser and spoiler from the manufacturer themselves. It isn’t standard on all specs but these were bought and added when the car was ordered to build as optional extras, basically it came out the factory with these extras on the vehicle.
Also I want to add black gloss AMG side sills which are an accessory provided and fitted by Mercedes. As it will be a Mercedes car and the part is manufactured and fitted Mercedes would this be a problem?
Hi there. What we’d need is confirmation from Mercedes on headed paper (or a PDF) that these were optional extras at the point of manufacture. For the other stuff, email connect@ingenie.com and we’ll have a look for you.
Hi Ryan,
Yep, that sounds fine – just make sure you’re 100% on what the spec was so you don’t have a problem when you get your box fitted. You can email the manufacturer if you need help. RE: the stereo, I’d email us a picture at connect@ingenie.com just to check but usually that’s fine as long as it’s not super fancy.
Thanks for checking with us!
That’s great, thanks Honor! The car has also had an immobiliser fitted, however, it is not functional. Is the car still “insurable” even with this? If anything, it is a theft deterrent as the light still flashes etc.
You’re welcome 🙂
The immobiliser should be OK. If you do insure with us, I’d mention it to your box fitter so they’re aware of any…wiring stuff. Can you tell I totally know what I’m talking about?
Hope I’ll see you around!
That’s absolutely perfect, thank you! Yes, I can haha! I will be sure to mention it to the box fitter before the fitting.
I have a Toyota yaris t sport which is a sporty version of the normal one and it comes with alloys and body kit etc but this is all factory fitted and isn’t optional extra so this wouldn’t be classed as a modification right?
Hey Aquib,
If everything’s straight out of the factory and hasn’t been added after purchase by a previous owner, you’re fine. Thanks for checking in!
Can I get new suspension, will it affect my current policy?
Hey Joe – as long as you’re just replacing like with like, you’re fine. Any extra-fancy or high-performance stuff is the problem.
Hi Dawn, thanks for getting in touch.
Unfortunately, this would be classed as a cosmetic modification which means we wouldn’t be able to insure the car – unless it was returned to standard. Although paintwork changes don’t effect the performance, in can complicate things in the event of a claim or accident where the body work of the car needs to be repaired or replaced.
Any changes to the car that aren’t part of the manufacturer’s specification wouldn’t be accepted with our insurance I’m afraid.
Hi there – anything that’s aftermarket is considered a modification. Although something might improve performance, if it’s not carried out by the manufacturer, the work’s not guaranteed to be safe and well done.
Hi, if I were to tint my windows so they allowed 70% light through and went to a specialist window tinting company would my policy be cancelled.
Hey Nick – tinting after the car’s left the factory is a modification I’m afraid.
Thanks for checking,
Hi there,
We’re pretty OK with replacing stereos but the best thing to do is email it to connect@ingenie.com and they’ll double-check for you.
Thanks for making sure,
Hi Andrew,
If they’re fitted in the manufacturer factory, that’s absolutely fine.
Thanks for checking,
Hi Louis,
The best thing to do here is get in touch with Vauxhall and ask them to give you a copy of the vehicle specification. This would show whether the grills and alloys are standard, an optional extra or an after-market modification. You can send this to us at connect@ingenie.com or call us on 0330 303 0014 if you’re unsure and you’d like to chat about this.
Hi i have bought a suzuki swift sport and took insurance out with you and due to have box fitted. when i bought the car it didnt have the s badge on front or back will this be a problem or not
Hi Josh,
That’s fine, don’t worry.
Thanks for checking,
Hi, the hub caps/wheel covers on my car have been changed because one of the original caps fell off. Does this class as modification?
Hi there – if it was a like-for-like change you’re fine but if they’re a different colour or style, send them through to connect@ingenie.com to check.
Hi I’ve been told by your company today that adding stickers to the body or wind screen is a modification, where on your web site does this tell you?
Hi Mandy,
There’s a list of modifications here if you click the question mark by the bit about modifications. It’s not exhaustive, though – you can email comnect@ingenie.com if you’d like to check anything.
Hope that helps!
Hi, I used black trim wax to restore my faded plastic trims (wheel arch, door trims etc) because they had turned grey over time because of sun exposure etc. This won’t count as a modification right?
Hi Clarke,
General car maintenance is actually encouraged so no, this wouldn’t be classed as a modification.
Thanks for checking with us!
Hi Whitney,
Paintwork changes will be seen as a modification so the best thing to do here is find the specification for your make and model online or contact Mini to confirm if they have been painted. It’s likely that they would need to be returned to standard before we’d fit the box but if you’re unsure, feel free to call us on 0330 303 0014 or email us at connect@ingenie.com.
If you’d like to chat about this with our box fitting department or rearrange the fitting you can call them on 0330 024 1086.
Hope that helps.
Hi Tom,
This will be allowed as long as you’re only using towing a single trailer, trailer-caravan or broken down vehicle. You wouldn’t be covered to tow a hire vehicle.
Hope that helps.
Hi Harry,
The best thing to do here is email us at connect@ingenie.com and we can get this referred for you. It’s not likely to be an issue for the box fitting but it’s always best to check.
Hi Ben,
That’s something we’ll need to double check for you. Could you send us an email to connect@ingenie.com with your details and some pictures of the car if possible?
Hey Kieran,
As long as the stereo isn’t some crazy expensive satnav thing, you should be fine. Email us a picture to connect@ingenie.com and we’ll check for you. Don’t worry!
Thanks a lot for checking in with us,
Hi, I’ve recently bought a ford fiesta zetec s with factory fitted optional extras which include, leather seats, optional extra larger alloy wheels, parking sensors and tinted windows at the rear. From what I’ve read I wouldn’t need to declare these as they were fitted as optional extras originally from the factory. I just wanted to make sure I am correct in saying this. Thanks 🙂
Hey Kieran, yep – you’re fine with anything you’ve chosen off the spec. Lucky you!
Hey, I’ve recently insured with you for the second time and my 08 plate polo is fitted with a non gen stereo, it’s nothing fancy its just a headunit, but I’m worried it’ll interfere with the box fitting, regards Matt
Hi Matthew,
Yay, glad to have you! Stereos are usually fine as long as they’re not crazy – if I were you, I’d send a picture to us at connect@ingenie.com so we can check.
Thanks for the swift reply, as I said it’s nothing fancy just a cheap radio, as the genuine Volkswagen one is nearly 2000 pounds, I hope it’s okay lol
Hey, just recently purchased a 2006 Polo SE 1.4 5dr, if I fit a personalized reg or pressed plates, will I still get covered? Cheers
Hi Ryan,
Both are fine with us but thanks for checking! If you’re going to get them, I’d do it before buying insurance as there would be an admin fee for changing the reg number later. Make sure you’re taxed and insured if your car isn’t declared as off the road, OK?
Hi Jamie,
I’m afraid wind deflectors count as a modification.
Thanks for checking with us!
What if you add optional extras to your car, that were available from the factory spec at a later date? Thanks.
Hi Dan,
This is usually OK as long as it’s the manufacturer doing the fitting.
Thank you.
I have just recently bought a car and i am about to purchase insurance with yourselves. However i noticed that my plastic wheel trims don’t look like the factory ones. They aren’t fancy looking or anything. To be honest, it was hard to tell they weren’t factory fitted(Only noticed because they are missing the company logo) . But i just wanted to check, do these wheel trims count as modifications, meaning my insurance will sky-rocket, or be void?
Also generally speaking do wheel trims count as modifications? Furthermore does installation of a cheap stereo system such as a Sony DSX-A400BT count as a mod?
Hi Adam,
Wheel changes do generally count as modifications. I would send a picture to connect@ingenie.com to check with us. A stereo change is usually OK as long as it’s not really flash but again, might be worth sending a picture of what you’re thinking of getting.
Hi what if you added a protective wrap to the car does this count as a modification and does the colour of the protective wrap make a difference and it’s not being resprayed it’s being protected
Hi Rhys,
I’m afraid a wrap does count as a modification. Thanks for checking,
If the air vents were removed but were to be replaced with the standard factory vents, but were not installed by the time the black box was to be fitted would there be a problem with the hole being void??
Hi Harv, I would leave this until after your box fitting. It’s fine to swap the air vents for the standard vents the car came with but the missing vents might be an issue at your actual fitting.
Thanks for checking in,
My daughters Mini one has stripes up the bonnet, over the roof and down the back (as many minis do) this was factory fitted. Is this okay. It also has a towbar fitted.
Hi Paul,
Towbars are fine and the factory-fit stripes are fine too. Lucky daughter!
Thanks for checking,
I have bought a 2008 car that had accessories( alloy wheels, rear roof spoiler and decals) fitted by the dealer at the pre-delivery inspection stage prior to being put on sale. The dealer and manufacturer have advised me that these are not classed as modifications and the car should be considered as standard.
Would you have any problem insuring the car?
Hi James,
If you have confirmation that these options aren’t modifications (i.e. they’re part of the original spec for the car), send that to us at connect@ingenie.com and we’ll take a look. The confirmation should be from the manufacturer, so with their logo on it.
Thanks a lot!
I would email us at connect@ingenie.com, James, and we’ll be able to look at this properly for you.
Hi Robert,
Is your son insured with us? Just email through what you were planning to get to connect@ingenie.com and we’ll check for you.
My son’s Mini One has factory fitted spot lights are these okay on the Ingenie policy?
Hi David,
So sorry we missed your comment! As long as the lights are an option on the spec at manufacture, they’re fine.
Hi we have just bought a VW polo for our son and have noticed that the stereo has been changed to a Sony cd stereo system is this a modification
Hi Blaine,
If you send us a picture of it to connect@ingenie.com, we’ll be able to tell you for sure. Usually if it’s not too flashy, a change of stereo is OK.
Thanks for checking,
Hi my son has his car insured with you. His alloy wheels are currently painted silver and are a little tired. I would like to get them refurbished for him as a Christmas present. I know he would prefer them black in colour. Would it be ok to get them painted black.
Hi Mark – I replied to your comment but the internet has eaten it!
Unfortunately, painting the alloys black would be considered an unacceptable modification. Refurbing the alloys back to their original state would be fine, or replacing them like-for-like.
Hi, would i be able to replace the standard wheels on my zetec s ford fiesta with larger ford ones that are an optional extra?
Hi Craig,
Unless this is done before the car leaves the factory, it’s an after-market mod I’m afraid. Sorry!
The car I’m looking at purchasing has a roof rap (black) will I have to take this off thanks
Hi there,
Yes, any kind of wrap would need to come off before getting your box fitted.
Would a backbox need to be declared I don’t know if it increases the performance, and if I wrap my interior plastics do I need to declare as well?
Hey Madalina,
Anything done to the car after it leaves the factor is seen as a modification and would need to be checked by us at connect@ingenie.com. We generally don’t insure cars with mods so definitely send anything through to us you’re worried about.
My Mini Cooper come with factory fitted tinted windows, not film tinted it’s actually factory fitted in the glass. Is this ok?
Hi Chloe,
That should be OK as long as you can get confirmation from Mini that it’s an option at production. That would be a letter or email with Mini’s logo on it.
I’d like to fit some mudflaps to the car to keep it clean, are these classed as a modification, thanks
Hi there,
Best to email us the ones you’re after at connect@ingenie.com and we can take a look.
Ok will do
Hi, my bonnet is standard and hasn’t been wrapped but it is a different shade of green and the previous owner dented the first one so changed it, is this okay?
Hey Ryan.
That’s a tough one! If you’re thinking of insuring with ingenie, send a picture through to connect@ingenie.com so we can check for you.
Will fitting a Sub woofer and changing the stereo of my car affect my insurance or be classed as a modification?
Hi JJ, I’m afraid a sub woofer is a no-no. Stereo is usually OK as long as it’s nothing super fancy but I’d send a picture of the one you want to connect@ingenie.com so we can check.
Does an aftermarket radio, that is only that, count as a modification due to the original one breaking?
Hi Jack,
Sorry for not getting back to you quicker. Usually a direct replacement is OK but send a picture of what you want to connect@ingenie.com so we can have a look.
Hiya I’m an buying a number plate and don’t want to drill it could I buy a number plate holder
Hi Kieron,
Can you please send a picture of what you’re looking for to connect@ingenie.com and we’ll check for you?
How often does ingenie inspect cars ? Also what happens if you go over the estimated annual mileage ?
Hi JJ,
We check your car is safe and mod-free when we fit your box, in the first 10 days of your policy. We’re not coming round spying like landlords throughout the year, so the real issue is if you had to claim and we found you had a bunch of mods we didn’t know about. Either the claim wouldn’t pay to replace the modifications or your claim could even be refused because your insurance details weren’t accurate.
If you want to check anything, email us at connect@ingenie.com and we can help you.
I have a 2009 vw polo 9n3 1.4 tdi 70. As a farm worker my car gets covered in mud and all kinds of muck. Would fitting any mudflaps to the car be a modification. Would a roof rack be a modification. Would a tow bar be a mod or not. Also, would tinted foglights be a modification as foglights do not go through MOT, work at an engineering company and have been told they are not classed as a mod.
Hi Thomas,
Generally speaking any changes to the car are seen as a modification but there is some flexibility with this. You can fit a tow bar to tow any single trailer, trailer-caravan or broken down vehicle. Tinted fog lights will be classed as a modification – these will need to be standard to the manufacturer’s specification. As for the mudflaps and roof rack we can refer these for you to see if these will be allowed. If you email us your details to connect@ingenie.com we’ll get back to you with a definite answer once we’ve spoken to your underwriter (the guys that pay out if you have a crash.) Hope that helps.
Hi Dr Hassan,
Unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to offer you insurance on this car. It would need to be returned back to standard before we could look into giving you a quote.
Do putting stickers on the car count as a modification and if they do does ingenie not contradict themselves when they give you a free black box sticker ?
Hey Luke,
The type of stickers we don’t allow are large decals and transfers on the paintwork. The black box sticker we offer is a transparent window sticker than can easily be removed. It’s also optional.
Generally, all cosmetic stickers are seen as a modification but if you have a sticker in mind, you can email us at connect@ingenie.com with a photo and it’s dimensions. We’re always happy to double check for you.
Hope that clears this up.
Would my policy be cancelled or increased in price for a direct swap from wheel trims to alloys?
Hi Josh,
Generally speaking we don’t allow any changes to the car but if the alloys are right for your make and model and are within the manufacturers guidelines we may be able to allow this. If you email us an image and product spec of the alloys to connect@ingenie.com we can confirm that for you.
Just been told that the wing mirrors on my seat arosa aren’t correct. The ones fitted are basic ones from halfords, would this count as a modification??
Hi Den,
Generally speaking any changes to the car that aren’t part of the original specification are seen as a modification. The best thing to do here is email us at connect@ingenie.com with your policy details and a picture of the wing mirrors and we’ll double check if these are OK.
Hi Alex,
Respraying the roof a different colour would be seen as a cosmetic modification. If MINI offered a respray service for your make and model we could look into allowing this but we made need to see a letter from them. If you have any questions about this feel free to drop us an email to connect@ingenie.com.