We wish you a happy Christmas and a wonderful new year

Although a definite improvement on 2020 for most, there’s no doubt that 2021 has been another year or highs and lows. Surely no one expected we’d have become this familiar with the Greek alphabet - if you know what I mean!
As this year draws to a close, let’s leave behind what we can’t undo and focus on the good, as we recap and look to a happy, productive and safe 2022.
We got to see our friends and family again
March 2021 seems like forever ago now, but do you remember the absolute joy of being free to see extended members of your family and getting to hang-out with your mates again? I literally took a happy sigh just thinking about it!
Driving test centers went back to open
A BIG one for learner drivers. The start of the summer months saw driving lessons and driving test centres welcome learners after such a loooong time. This also meant we got to welcome lots of new members to our #ingeniefamily. Very patient, determined and eager new drivers, who were more than ready to get back on the road. Learners (driving instructors and driving examiners) we salute you!
ingenie turned 10
A BIG 1 (0!) for ingenie. At the end of September we celebrated our 10th birthday! In just over a decade, our drivers have covered more than 1.7 billion miles and we’ve given over £12.5 million back in good driving discounts.
For 10 years we’ve been providing black box car insurance, with driver freedom and driver safety as the focus of what we do - we couldn’t be prouder of what our drivers and our team at ingenie have achieved.
We gave back every now and then
If you follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram you know just how much we love to give back to our followers. We’re partial to a good ol’ road sign or driving quiz and even an ingenie beanie giveaway. Yep, we got some more kick-ass merch in 2021 to go with our much loved ice scrapers! Nothing says ‘I’m cool’, quite like rocking a beanie hat with your car insurance company’s logo on it. 👌😉
We had a bit of social media giveaway and competition frenzy in the countdown to our birthday and you guys loved it. Our social media is where most of the fun stuff about being insured with ingenie happens, so make sure you give us a follow.

ingenie beanie!
Let’s wind down and find some zen
The festive season is well and truly upon us, which usually means a whole bunch of stressful stuff (that’s also meant to be fun) gets thrown our way. Shout out to you if you're a 'get the presents in January sales or Christmas in July outlets' kinda person! I’m definitely not, all the presents I need to buy will still be in the shop come Christmas Eve. 🎅
So with all the standard Christmas craziness, let's not forget to take a little time for ourselves. A 10 minute walk in the freezing cold works wonders to blow away those pre-crimbo cobwebs. Or take a little bit of extra time to slow down and enjoy your dinner and a tasty dessert. Or do a little yoga. Don’t worry I’m not going to go full-hippy on you, but waking up 10 minutes earlier to take a breath, sit on the floor and gently stretch a stressed out muscle or 2, might really do the treat. 🤗
But whether you’re all about the Nameste or you’re more ‘Nah, imma stay in bed’, don’t forget a little self-care to round off the year. With that said, we'll sign off here with the famous words of poet Clement Clarke Moore:
But wait, we’re only human so if things do get a little frantic over the holidays here’s some handy tips on how to deal with those festive driving stresses - we’ve got you covered. Have a good one ingenie family x.

By Lucia Tregellis
Lucia joined ingenie in 2015 and works on all our social media stuff. Her first car was a super old VW Beetle, but soon realised it wasn't ideal for a new driver and changed to a yellow, new style Mini Cooper, named Bradley.