Driving tips and other life stuff
Improving your speed: staying in control
If you're caught speeding you could be offered a speed awareness course (if you're lucky) or you could end up with 3 points on your licence and a £100 fine.
Speeding because you think you can get away with it is a poor driving mentality to have, because even if you don't get caught by the cameras - you will end up paying more for your car insurance AND be putting yourself and others in a dangerous situation.
Here's some things to avoid that we've found often lead to a lack of speed awareness.
Distraction and auto-pilot
When you're driving the same route everyday it can be easy to slip into auto-pilot or let yourself get distracted. Your brain doesn't have to work as hard as when you're driving somewhere you don't know at all, and so your attention can drift elsewhere.
If you know you struggle to stay focused, try to remove the things that distract you before your journey, like loud music or your phone pinging - and keep glancing down at your speedo to keep yourself in check.
You also have ingenie's full permission to tell your friends to zip it (or whatever words you prefer) if they're getting a little too excitable about their free ride.
Speeding often doesn’t save as much time as you’d think. Once you've stopped for several traffic lights and had to brake hard for hazards you're not seeing - you're actually just increasing your risk of crashing instead of shaving minutes off your journey.Bee
ingenie's Driving Feedback Team
Night-time speeders
There's often a temptation to put your foot down on the roads at night, because not many people are about. But this is the time when the risk of crashing is EVEN higher. Late night driving is when ingenie sees the worse speeding happen - and we don't want you adding to those statistics. OK?
Your visibility is reduced at night (obviously), wildlife waking up can suddenly dash out in front of you, and other drivers may also be pushing the limit with noone around.
Darkness also makes us sleepy. And we know that driving tired is nearly as dangerous as driving drunk, so remember to take a break as soon as you start to feel drowsy.
Not in a rush? Stick around because we've got more speeding advice straight from ingenie's Driver Training.
By Katey Gregory
Katey Joined ingenie in 2014 and is in charge of all things social and content. She passed her driving test in 2015 and her first car is a Toyota Yaris T3 named Tyrone.