Driving tips and other life stuff
American drive-thrus you have to see to believe
The drive-thru was once just a quick and easy stop where motorists could grab a bite to eat on their travels, without the inconvenience of having to get out their car - or move much at all.
But pulling up and winding down the window for a service has gone WAY beyond just picking up some fast food.
You may never need to leave your car again.
The craziest drive-thrus that ACTUALLY exist:
Funeral parlour
YEP - morbid but very much alive. No one likes funerals - they're emotional, public and involve a lot of standing around. But not in America!
You check-in digitally and drive through a gated entrance before pulling up to a window where your dearly departed is laying. You're then allocated a few minutes in the viewing bay before the gate opens up and the next driver moves forward to pay their respects. How convenient.
Anyone fancy a burger from the next window? 🤢
The voting station
OK - this one could actually work here by my reckoning. You avoid the queues of traditional polling stations by pulling up in your car, registering with the officials and dropping your vote into a large wheelie bin.
It may be massively lazy but if it means getting more people off the sofa and voting then surely that's a good thing.
Wedding ceremonies
We've all heard of the Little White Chapel where couples can rock up and be married quickly by Elvis himself, but it doesn't get much quicker than a drive-thru 'I do.'
Just pull up to the window in a pink cadillac (or a rusted old pickup truck depending on budget), say your 'I do's and drive off into marital bliss through the tunnel of love. Not a bad idea if you don't fancy the expensive venue and bridesmaid dramas.
Liquor stores
This is not a joke. Although not legal in all states, liquor stores and 'brew-thru's around North Carolina let drivers pick up their alcohol AT THE WHEEL.
It's just like ordering yourself a Taco Bell - you drive in, pick up your bottles, cans, kegs, cigars and you're on your way.
You can even grab yourself a bottle opener key ring on the way out for good measure. Madness.
Slightly less shocking than collecting your tinnies from behind the wheel - this one is actually pretty smart. You can reserve the books and resources you need online, then wait for a notification to say they're ready to collect. All you need is your student library card, then you pull up to the window and get handed your items.
If you're one of those students who spend hours trying to find the recommended film for your essay topic or you frantically rush around the bookshelves minutes before your deadline as you forgot to do your source referencing - this would be a dream.
And once you're done? No need to lug 8 text books around campus breaking your bag (and your back) in the process; just drive up again and drop them off.
Sticking with the American theme, here's 8 lies Hollywood let you believe about driving.
By Katey Gregory
Katey Joined ingenie in 2014 and is in charge of all things social and content. She passed her driving test in 2015 and her first car is a Toyota Yaris T3 named Tyrone.