All hail the heroes of the hour – the mighty driving instructors!

We at ingenie recognise the important work you do and think you deserve to hear the top 4 reasons we think you guys are just awesome!
Not all heroes wear capes.
You’re carrying the torch for young drivers to gain their freedom
As we know there has been huge disruption to learning to drive, due to Covid-19, and although things have become easier and somewhat back to normal, it has been and continues to be a bumpy ride!
But you have continued to keep a level head, support your students, get them back on track and on course to pass as quickly as possible. That in itself is a huge feat and needs to be recognised.
We salute you!
You go the extra mile
With the news that driving lessons were being given the green light in April this year, you all rallied round to ensure that the forecasted backlog of tests wouldn’t affect your eager and patient students.
You worked tirelessly to give your students a fighting chance at passing their tests with flying colours and reduce the number of tests needing to be carried out or redone. It was a national crisis, and you were in the thick of it.
You help give happiness to learner drivers all over the country
It’s no secret that you hold the key to the freedom that learner drivers so badly crave. They can’t have it without you.
You’re an essential part of a rite of passage and to be able to stay motivated and encouraging during such an uncertain time is admirable. Especially when faced with multiple obstacles.
But you persevered, passed on your skills and wisdom to the drivers of the future and helped your students get through that metaphorical door of independence, during a time when the horizon was bleak.
You never give up hope
In a student’s darkest hour, you've been there with motivation, tough love, encouragement, hope and grit.
Teaching in itself is hard… but you already know this, and to do it with a newbie in charge of a potentially dangerous hunk of metal, is well… scary. But you take it all in your stride, believe in your protégées - keeping calm and carrying on.
You know they will get there whatever the weather (quite literally in some cases) and don't let your students give up.
Pandemic or not, learning to drive is one of the most stressful, daunting, and frustrating things but with a passionate driving instructor, it can always be seen from a different perspective.
We see how hard you work and even more so during this time. So, thank you for never giving up on the learners of the UK!
This is the first of our blog installment for driving instructors, so keep an eye out for more articles featuring personal experiences, what students have said about their driving instructors, funny stories of learning to drive and more.
Do check out our article on learner driver pressures.
We look forward to having you
By Chelsey Fielding
Chelsey loves her convertible... a resident poser at ingenie. She had 5 driving instructors overall and during her practical test there was a hail storm! She still passed though - a stroke of luck or attempted sabotage from the driving gods? You decide.