Pressure on Learners – pass first time or wait another 4 months!

Doesn’t seem fair, does it? A bit alarming and not very sensitive.
But we all know that things are usually not as bad as they seem, and this is no different. There is a backlog, but the DVSA are going above and beyond to get through it and so it is more likely that the wait will be much shorter than the 8 weeks, already predicted.
That being said, it’s hard not to feel anxious about these things, so, let’s break it down:
What’s the deal?
Ok, so the media are shouting about a possible situation of ‘having to wait 4 months, to take your test again, if you don’t pass 1st time'. But tbh, this seems pretty unlikely based on the lengths the DVSA are going to to get things back to normal.
Scary Hours
Driving instructors have been saying that some of their students are feeling a bit rusty and will need 'loads more hours' in lessons to feel ‘test ready’ again. But here’s the secret… if you were test ready before… you still are! Skill and practice are obviously the important factors, but so is your confidence and belief in yourself, so focus on keeping that up and knowing that you were ready to nail your test a few months ago and still will be now!
Money, money, money… monnneeeyyy
Learning to drive is not cheap, and don’t we know it! The thought of having to shell out more money on lessons and another driving test, brings about a whole ball of stress on its own. But what about if you fail the test and then have to wait a really long time to go through the process again? Well, yeah, I’m not going to lie, that’s a very unsettling thought, but the reality is, that due to the actions of the DVSA, you'll most likely not end up having to do this.
That’s easy for you to say!
And you’d be right, but let’s say, even if it is the worst-case scenario (and that’s a very big IF!), you'll eventually get there and pass your test, regardless of how long it takes. Many people can’t afford lessons and so if you fall into that category, then getting practice in with a family member or friend (who is legally able to help) is just as good! This could also be a good way to get around feeling that ‘rustiness’. Never underestimate your will and resourcefulness.
Keep calm and drive on
Bit of a cliché, but at the end of the day, your faith in your own ability is what will get you through and pass your test. All that practice and knowledge needs to be accompanied by a steady frame of mind on the day, and putting huge pressure on yourself to pass (because of a rumour) is not going to get you there.
You ‘da GOAT and don’t forget it! And you know what, even if you don’t pass and you have to wait another 4 months (very doubtful), it DOESN’T MATTER – because you’re gonna pass it when you’re ready and that's what counts.
So, to sum up:
The media are the ultimate hype of drama – don’t get sucked in. You ARE awesome and you'll pass on your terms!
Be kind to yourself and take a moment to re-centre when you feel like this is bigger than it is… because it’s not.
If you're still feeling uneasy about this, check out our other handy tips on how to overcome test failure and worry. We've got you!
By Chelsey Fielding
Chelsey loves her convertible... a resident poser at ingenie. She had 5 driving instructors overall and during her practical test there was a hail storm! She still passed though - a stroke of luck or attempted sabotage from the driving gods? You decide.