5 Lockdown Valentine’s Ideas

You may have figured out by now that we’re having a Lockdown Valentine’s Day this year, and it’s going to make things a little different.
Whilst some of us are going to be sat at home pining away for that special someone (if you live with them, count yourself lucky), the rest of us might even be filled with relief. For once we won’t be reminded of our singleness by all the cringe couples on dates all over our Instagram feed. Phew!
Thankfully, we’ve got some ideas for how to make the most of a lockdown Valentine’s for couples and friends alike. Virtually, of course.
Have a virtual Zoom dinner
When we think of Valentine’s Day, we usually think of romantic dinners, candlelit in the dark corner of a restaurant – couples sharing a bottle of wine and twirling spaghetti, Lady and the Tramp style.
Can you recreate this intimate experience over Zoom? Perhaps not. But we think it’s well worth a try.
Although it might not be your forte, we reckon it’d be fun to set yourself a challenge with your partner or friends and each cook the same meal, at the same time, following the same recipe. It’ll bring back a feeling of togetherness to eat the same food together, and you can argue over who’s had the better results. Awww.
If you’re over 18 and don’t fancy cooking, you could also have a go at virtual cocktail making, or even a wine tasting.
Gift swap
Royal Mail might be working overtime on this one. Nevertheless, a great way to keep some of the magic is to send your Valentine the gifts you would’ve given them in person and open them together virtually. If you still want to go down the traditional route, you can now send letterbox flowers and of course, there’s always the classic chocolate gift set.
If you want to make things a bit more fun, you could each put together a lockdown Valentine’s care box to send each other – it’s bound to cheer anyone up. Here’s some suggestions of what you could throw in:
- Their favourite sweets or chocolate
- Printed pictures of you together with messages on the back
- A book you think they’d like
- A self-care product they’d appreciate
- Something that will remind them of you
Netflix party
If you want to go for a more chilled vibe, you could each create your own at-home cinema. Yes, you may be missing the warmth and comfort of cuddling up to your loved one but throw in a few extra pillows to spoon and we think it’ll do the trick. 😉
In case you haven’t heard about it since the first lockdown, there’s a cool browser extension called Netflix Party which allows up to 50 people to watch Netflix together in real time.
It’s a great idea for your virtual Palentine’s date too. Put them on a video call in front of you whilst you watch, and you don’t even have to miss out on any annoying running commentary.
Virtual games night
Lockdown Valentine’s doesn’t have to be a boring night in. It’s a great excuse to get your friends or partner and get some healthy competition going (as long as it’s not going to test your relationship too much!)
There’s plenty of Virtual Escape Rooms now which means you can enjoy the camaraderie of a virtual mission. Or, if you’d rather, play against each other in whatever game you fancy. The best thing is, if you get the urge to strangle a teammate or vice versa, you’re all protected from harm.
Treat yourself to a little self-care
The same goes for this year as it always has, there’s no need to do anything special or different on Valentine’s Day. Having a Lockdown Valentine’s might mean we just don’t feel like trying to make the day special, and after all, it is just any other day.
For those of us who aren’t feeling it this year, we feel you. It’s a great excuse to take the day for yourself. Here’s some suggestions:
- Watch your favourite TV show or start a new series
- Buy yourself a gift – chocolates, flowers, anything you fancy - because you deserve it
- Have a bubble bath and light some candles
- OR do absolutely nothing
Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a good one.💓
Oh, and if your car happens to be your one true love, you might want to check this out. We won't judge.

By Lois Graham
Lois joined ingenie in 2020 and works on our content and blogs. She passed her driving test in 2016 and still drives her first car, a black Mini ONE named Umo.