The ingenie New Driver app

Savings on renewal
Feedback on journeys
Score on driving
Quarterly reviews

Welcome to the road!

Our app works with the ingenie box in your car, sending you regular, personalised information on your driving and helping you save on your car insurance.

Driving feedback every 10 days

You'll get feedback on your speed, acceleration, braking and cornering, along with practical advice to help you get your discounts.

Driving score out of 100

With your second set of feedback you’ll see your score, the discount you’re on track for and when your next price review is.

Price reviews 3 times a year

We’ll review your insurance price after 3, 6 and 9 months based on your driving style. The higher your score, the bigger your discount!

Welcome to the road!

Our app works with the ingenie box in your car, sending you regular, personalised information on your driving and helping you save on your car insurance.

Savings on renewal
Feedback on journeys

Driving feedback every 10 days

You'll get feedback on your speed, acceleration, braking and cornering, along with practical advice to help you get your discounts.

Driving score out of 100

With your second set of feedback you’ll see your score, the discount you’re on track for and when your next price review is.

Score on driving
Quarterly reviews

Price reviews 3 times a year

We’ll review your insurance price after 3, 6 and 9 months based on your driving style. The higher your score, the bigger your discount!

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Get a quote
Note: The discount or increase amount will be different for each ingenie driver based on their insurance price.